사양 정보
Standard 0.2%
Optional 0.1% -
Process temperature
(14°F…212°F) -
Pressure measuring range
100 mbar...10 bar
(1.5 psi...150 psi) -
Process pressure / max. overpressure limit
40 bar (600 psi)
Main wetted parts
Alloy C
optional coating AuPt -
Max. measurement distance
100m (328ft) H2O
Material process membrane
316L, AlloyC
Gold-Rhodium -
Measuring cell
100 mbar...10 bar
(1.5 psi...150 psi)
적용 분야
The Deltapilot FMB51 is a rod version with a fixed process connection. This device with the Contite measuring cell and is typically used in the environmental industry. It is made for level measurement in liquid and paste-like media in open or closed containers and is unaffected by possible foam formation. For use in SIL2 safety systems.
For level measurement.
Process connections: Threads and flanges
Temperature: -10 to +85°C (14°F…185° F)
Measuring range: 0.1 to 10bar / 100m H2O (1.5 to 150psi / 300ft H2O)
Accuracy: ±0.2%, ±0.1% (option)
International explosion protection certificates, overfill prevention WHG, SIL, drinking water approval
Hermetically sealed Contite measuring cell with condensate-resistance, high reference accuracy: ±0.2%, optionally ±0.1% and minimum temperature effects
Modular concept for easy replacement of display or electronics
Seamless and independent system integration (HART/PA/FF)
Easy and safe menu-guided operation: On-site via display module, via 4 to 20mA with HART, via PROFIBUS PA, via FOUNDATION Fieldbus
International usage thanks to a wide range of approvals

FLEX 선택 | 기술적 우수성 | 단순성 |
Fundamental 선택 기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
Lean 선택 핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리 |
기술적 우수성
Extended 선택 혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화 |
기술적 우수성
Xpert 선택 가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
구성에 따라 다름 |
기존 제품
사용 설명서(BA)
Cerabar M /Deltabar M /Deltapilot M Operating Instructions PROFIBUS PA
Cerabar M PMC51, PMP51, PMP55, Pressure transmitter
Deltabar M
PMD55 Differential pressure transmitter Deltapilot M FM -
사용 설명서(BA)
Cerabar M, Deltabar M, Deltapilot M HART (V 01.00.zz)
Cerabar M PMC51, PMP51/55 Pressure transmitter
Deltabar M
Differential pressure transmitter
Deltapilot M FMB
50/5 -
사용 설명서(BA)
Cerabar M / Deltabar M / Deltapilot M, Operating Instructions FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Cerabar M PMC51, PMP51, PMP55 Pressure transmitter
Deltabar M PMD55 Differential pressure transmitter
Deltapilot M FMB50 Hyd
rostatic pressure transmitter -
설치 설명서(EA)
Harting plug HAN7D Installation instruction
Cerabar M/S, Deltabar M/S, Deltapilot M/S
EN KO 11/04/2012언어:
파일 크기:
292.8 KB
파일 이름:
설치 설명서(EA)
Electronics for Cerabar M, Deltapilot M Installation Instruction
Cerabar M PMC51, PMP51, PMP55,
Deltapilot M FMB5xEN KO 30/09/201312/04/2012언어:
파일 크기:
556.1 KB
파일 이름: