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Soliwave FQR56 - Microwave barrier transmitter

Microwave barrier transmitter
Soliwave FQR56

Transmitterfor non-contact point level detection in bulk solids

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사양 정보

  • Process temperature

    Non-contact installation: any
    Within installation:
    -40°C...+70°C (-40°F...+158°F)
    With high temperature adapter:
    up to +450°C (+842°F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    Non-contact installation: any
    Within installation:
    0.5 bar...6.8 bar (7.2 psi...99 psi) abs.
    With high pressure adapter:
    up to +21 bar (+305 psi) abs.

  • Min. density of medium

    Solid weight: > 10 g/l

적용 분야

The Soliwave FQR56 microwave barrier uses a contact-free procedure for detection of point levels. It can be installed in containers, conduits, shafts or on free fall shafts. It is possible to take a measurement through non-metallic container materials from the outside. Suitable as point level switch for controlling and counting all types of bulk solids. It interacts with the Soliwave FDR56 receiver.

Typical bulk solids are: Wood chips, wood dust or flour; plaster, cement, ash, paper or cardboard shred, gravel, sand, dried powders in general, bags and boxes.

  • Process connections: Threads

  • Ambient temperature: -40 to +70°C (-40 to +158°F)

  • Measuring range: Max. 100m (328ft)

  • International explosion protection certificates


  • Highly reliable measurement due to flush-mounted installation and possible non-contact installation as well as indication of the signal strength on the receiver

  • Mechanical robust solution ensures cost savings over the whole life cycle of the product: No wear and tear, process-wetted ceramic sensor diaphragm (optional), long serviceable life, maintenance free

  • Electronics housing can be rotated by 360°, allowing adjustment into optimum position after installation

  • Direct connection of the supply voltage (transmitter and receiver separately or together)

  • Mechanically compatible to FQR50/FDR50 microwave barrier, existing process connections can continue to be used; likewise, accessories such as adapter flanges, installation brackets and sight glasses can continue to be used

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