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TOCeq measurement in wastewater treatment

Capture even low values with the Viomax CAS51D

The water from wastewater treatment plants must conform to specific WHO specifications so that it can be reused. In any case, it must be ensured that the treated water poses no danger to humans or the environment. For this purpose, many different parameters are monitored and analyzed. One of these values is the total organic carbon (TOC).

Wastewater treatment and TOC measurement with the CAS51D ©Endress+Hauser

Benefits of the TOCeq measurement

  • Reliable process information in real time

  • Continous recording of the measured values

  • Reduced operating costs through chemical-free application


The TOC value indicates the degree of pollution of the water and is measured in the outlet of the WWTP. Ideally, the measured value is very low between 3-6 ppm. This measurement, however, is very complex, as it is related to other parameters. Usually the measurement is done with analyzers, for this operators consume costly reagents. Anyhow, the plant operator and the regulators must be able to rely on the measured values.

Our solution

For the measurement of low TOC values, a measurement with the optical UV254 technology can be used instead of an analyzer. The sensor can continuously record the measured values in a very narrow interval. For this you only need a transmitter and the Viomax CAS51D. With the Endress+Hauser solution, the plant operators benefits from consistent measured values, and fast detections of deviations.

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