사양 정보
Process temperature
0 to 135°C (32 to 275 °F)
Process pressure
max. 11 bar abs. (159 psi abs.) at 25°C (77°F)
적용 분야
CUA261 is the right choice for you if you want to install a process photometer into pipelines with VARIVENT connection, for example for measurement of absorption, color or turbidity. Select from multiple path lengths and window materials to ensure a perfect fit into your process. CUA261 is available as VARIVENT adapter for already existing housings or can be ordered as complete flow assembly with VARINLINE housing.
The CUA261 can be used with:
OUSAF12 suspended solids and color sensor
OUSAF22 color sensor
OUSAF44 and OUSAF46 UV absorption sensors
OUSTF10 turbidity and suspended solids sensor
Typical applications are:
Color measurement
Chromatography control
Filtration monitoring
Centrifuge control
Protein concentration
Turbidity measurement
Phase detection
CIP optimization
CUA261 is suitable for hazardous area use.
VARIVENT and VARINLINE are registered trademarks of GEA Tuchenhagen GmbH.
Allows installation of Endress+Hauser process photometers into processes where VARINLINE housings are used
Hygienic process connection, suitable for cleaning-in-place (CIP) and sterilization-in-place (SIP), ensures highest product safety
Wide range of window materials and optical path lengths for optimum adaption to every process
Compliant with FDA and (EC) No 1935/2004
FLEX 선택 | 기술적 우수성 | 단순성 |
Fundamental 선택 기본적인 측정 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
Lean 선택 핵심 프로세스를 손쉽게 처리 |
기술적 우수성
Extended 선택 혁신적인 기술로 프로세스 최적화 |
기술적 우수성
Xpert 선택 가장 까다로운 어플리케이션 요구사항 충족 |
기술적 우수성
구성에 따라 다름 |
사용 설명서(BA)
VARIVENT 프로세스 연결부에 프로세스 광도계 설치용 어댑터
EN KO 08/12/202331/12/2016언어:
파일 크기:
1.6 MB
파일 이름:
제조사 신고서
Product family: Armaturen
Product root: CUA261-
Declaration number: HE_01531_01.21
Manufacturer specification: PEDEN KO 28/10/2021언어:
파일 크기:
324.2 KB
파일 이름:
Klassifizierungsbescheinigung nach DGRL f�r CUA261.pdf