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Endress+Hauser EcoVadis Premium Report

See our assessment on corporate social responsibility

EcoVadis operates the first collaborative platform allowing companies to access the environmental and social performance of their suppliers on a global basis. Here you can find the EcoVadis Premium Report of the Endress+Hauser Group.

Endress+Hauser EcoVadis Premium Report ©Endress+Hauser

EcoVadis assessment for Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser has been identified as 'Gold' regarding our approach to corporate social responsibility development. To achieve this recognition, a company must have an overall score within an annually determined range of points.


With 78 out of 100 points, Endress+Hauser is among the top five percent of all suppliers assessed by EcoVadis.

The scoring scale

Endress+Hauser has a structured and proactive CSR approach. Engagements and policies as well as tangible actions are on major issues with detailed implementation information. The company has a significant CSR reporting on actions and performance indicators. In the downloads below you can find the EcoVadis Assessment Report and the EcoVadis Certificate.



